Wednesday 3 October 2012

A mans world?

Are men more equal then women?

The gender debate ,a ongoing conversation...

After thousands of years of male dominance, we now stand at the beginning of the feminine era, when women will rise to their appropriate prominence, and the entire world will recognise the harmony between man and woman
I find it imperative to emphasise the characteristics that make women and men so different. Men are physically stronger. By nature, they are usually more aggressive and externally oriented. In contrast, a woman usually embodies the ideal of inner dignity. Some people confuse such subtlety with weakness; in truth, it is stronger than the most aggressive physical force imaginable. True human dignity does not shout; it is a strong, steady voice that speaks from within.
·         Men and women must realise their respective equal roles and strive to complement each other in their shared struggle to improve life.
·         We must learn to appreciate and respect your male or female counterpart.
In my eyes, women are just as equal to men; gender does not matter. We as a society need to work towards the end of gender discrimination.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Strikes, all too often accompanied by violence.


The right to strike for the purposes of collective bargaining is one of the fundamental rights enshrined in Section 27 of The South African Constitution. The rationale behind collective bargaining is to maintain industrial peace. “It is one of the ironies of collective bargaining that its very object, industrial peace, should depend on the threat of conflict."
Just recently, more than 30 people were killed in clashes with police during a miners’ strike in Marikana platinum mine near Rustenburg, 100km northwest of Johannesburg. When we go on strike we lose wages, thus we use violence to make sure that the employer listens to our demands fast so that we can go back to work,” said one union member quoted in the report. "There is no other way that the workers can be heard. Violence and strike is the language they hear better” said another worker.”
violence can never be an answer!
The police response has been compared to the brutalities of the apartheid era. It seems like South Africa is taking two steps back, what has happened to our democratic country?
  • A called for structural solutions in order to level the playing fields between workers and bosses during strikes. This can be achieved by restricting the rights of bosses to employ scabs.
  • We need restore workplace stability and labour peace. Violence cannot become a culture of our labour relations!

Heritage day

celebrate diversity!

Our heritage is very unique and precious because it helps us to define our cultural identity and it therefore lies at the heart of our spiritual well being and it has the power to build our nation. Heritage Day celebrated on the 24th of September reflects the values of a constitutional democracy where all South Africans' cultural and linguistic rights are recognised and protected by the Constitution.
Our heritage has the potential to affirm our diverse cultures and in so doing shape our national character as a “rainbow nation” at peace with itself. The youth of today needs to change their attitude and stop treating heritage day as just another public holiday but instead join into the festivities and embrace their cultures through learning.


For a nation that has just been through apartheid, which had been declared a crime against humanity by the United Nations, the significance of heritage day cannot be overemphasised in that it facilitates healing.
Importance of heritage day:
·         Opens the doors of learning and culture to all.
·         It builds on the culture of teaching and learning to produce thought leaders and technical skills that our economy needs for growth, development and reconstruction

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Moral issues of abortions

shame !
Abortion, like all moral issues, is something we all have an opinion about until we personally are faced with the necessity of making a decision.
The abortion issue is a reflection of our society as a whole, which is why so many people insist on taking a position about it. Many of these people will never have an abortion, many will never be in a position where it is necessary to consider it as an option. Yet, because the abortion issue strikes at the heart of our society, they become advocates for one side or another.
It would be wonderful if people only had children when they were financially and emotionally ready. It would be wonderful if teenager's thoughts and feelings weren’t distorted on sex.  And it would be wonderful if everyone were married or in a long term relationship before they had children. But unfortunately the world does not work that way. People make poor choices, no matter what their age and they are often driven by emotion rather than logic.
By disallowing a woman from making a choice to control her body in the way she sees most appropriate for the situation, society and the law are violating her rights to life, liberty, and to the pursuit of happiness.Most may argue that a person should accept responsibility for their actions, but don't you think it is unfair bring up a child in circumstance that aren't fit to bring up a child in.

Reasons to get an abortion:

  • pregnancy from rape
  • birth defects
  • not having the means to support a child,
  • not wanting a child.
  • rape

There is more to be considered here than religious beliefs. I believe God is a God of compassion and understanding. God should be the judge of our personal decisions of faith, including abortion, not mortal men and women.Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not promoting abortions in any way ,I'm merely just stating ,if the mother does not wish keep a child because of certain situations they are faced with,abortion should be one of the means available to her, we all make mistakes,this is where we learn and grow from them.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Has being gay become a death sentence ?

Gay hate crimes a epidemic...

Hate crimes against people belonging to minority groups has always been a global phenomenon that has negative consequences for its victims .Unlike in many African countries, homosexual acts are legal in South Africa and discrimination based on sexual orientation is banned, but activists say, gay and lesbian people are often attacked in townships.Behind the "gay-friendly" exterior of South Africa, lies the reality: A society that remains, for the most part, virulently homophobic.

Our very own  president Jacob Zuma said in a September speech that same-sex marriages were "a disgrace to the nation and to God." He also said: "When I was growing up a gay would not have stood in front of me. I would knock him out." He later apologised, but the pain he caused lingered  in the gay community.

I don’t encourage a homosexual lifestyle but I don’t look down on it either, If we are all entitled to the full range of human rights and equal protection of the law then ,I believe , it can  never be acceptable to deprive certain individuals of their rights , not because they have inflicted harm on others or pose a threat to the well-being of others, but simply for being who they are, for being born with a particular sexual orientation or gender identity.
The government’s job does not end with passing rights-protecting legislation but also lies in ensuring that the laws translate into applicable rights for everyone, including the most marginalised groups and individuals.We should take a stand,the time is now.


Advocacy Groups with Hate Crime Info

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Look beyond the money:

Do We Work for Money or Love for the Job?

It has become more apparent that many people are driven by the desire of becoming wealthy, thus take on any job that can bring them that much closer to their reality.When choosing a career path, one needs figure out what things in life are important to you i.e. your goals for the future, what you enjoying doing.Obviously, the amount of salary that your chosen career provides, directly effects the kind of lifestyle you can live.
However, it is important not to get blinded by the potential amount of money any given career path might provide because choosing a career path is more than the money you can make. After all, if you do not enjoy what you are doing, at least on some level, you will not give it your all and giving it your best is the kind of attitude that will lead to promotions that subsequently lead to more money through promotions.
passion over money
I've always believed that it's really important to follow your heart when you're job searching. Do what you love and the money will follow. If you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work.  One of the leading reasons why we get people who are incompetent in their work is because they chased paper instead of their passion, arriving at work moody ,angry and ready to do a rush job.You have to work your way up the ladder,no one becomes an overnight success!!!!



Arguments for Money:

A job is a job and as long as youre working, you might as well be making the most return for your time investment.
When you follow a path that leads to money you are developing a skill set that is in demand in our society and have a much better chance of getting hired and keeping a job.
Your job is your job. You should leave it at 5 PM and enjoy the rest of your life.

Arguments for Job Satisfaction:

Your passion should be what you do with your time. Life is too short to pursue other peoples or employers goals. Pursue your own, and rich or poor, happiness will follow.
What good is money if you don’t enjoy what you do?
If you love something you can become really good at it and money will follow.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

anti-social ?

The blurry lines of social media

Is social media making us more anti-social?        

We often praise the greatness of social media, but in our excitement we sometimes overlook the dark side of social media .With boundless power, comes great responsibility. We need to take the responsibility to look at, question and try to understand the role of social media in our lives and our societies.
I don’t see anything wrong with social media or social networking , more especially since it has become a great platform for public relations practitioners to build sustainable relationships and maintain effect communication channels  with their desired target audiences , however I must emphasis that there is so much communicated outside of text. Stats have shown that only 10% of communication is spoken through actual words, the other 90% comes through our tone of voice, our physical gestures, subtle eye movements and other things that a computer or cell phone cannot interpret, or represent .Honestly speaking, people are spending more time indoors than before, and when outdoors, they’re forever on their phones having meaningless conversations with people they barely see. Social media is slowly reducing face-to-face interaction, something needs to give…
bombarded with social networks