Saturday 14 April 2012

Obesity: plays a big role in relationships

Depression and low self-esteem

Obese people may have fewer social and romantic relationships compared to the non-obese ( .When it comes to finding a romantic partner, obesity appears to play a big role, especially for women. According to researchers at the Maricopa Integrated Health System in Phoenix, Arizona (2010), women are slightly more likely to be obese compared to men. Popular concepts of body image and thinness affect women more than men. Obesity self-image is more likely to be negative in women because of society's ideal of the thin woman, an ideal that doesn't have as powerful a male counterpart. For women the standards are much more restrictive. A woman with a wee bit of a round tummy might be judged negatively. There is a bit of a bias there.
It is also common for partners of overweight individuals to no longer find them sexually attractive because of weight gain. These emotions are usually denied or suppressed to prevent hurt and upset. In reality however, these emotions are blocking communication, and although difficult to confront, are only intensifying the problem further.
Address the issue

Constant fighting
Sit down and discuss the issue together, with each partner talking honestly about what you both want, and how you want to achieve it. Partners should remember to be sensitive but honest, at the same time as reassuring them that they will do everything they can to help, and that they are not alone.

Being obese can have a destructive impact on your relationships without you necessarily being aware with it. If you are unhappy about being obese you only have two options – you can either lose weight or learn to accept yourself the way you are. If you continue to allow the issue of weight to dominate your life you will never be happy and your relationships will suffer.


  1. at obesity does play a role in the relationship but when such a matter rises i think its always best to address the problem and maybe find alternatives of solving the problem like jogging together in the morning & afternoons or even goin 2geda @ da gym.

    1. The problem needs to be addressed from the onset or it can be destructive to the relationship. Working hand and hand with your partner would really help, and maybe even help build the relationship, bringing the two of you closer.

  2. indeed obesity plays a role in relationships but i think relationships is all about communication if there is no communication thats why many relationship suffer

    1. Communication plays a huge role in relationships; one partner may argue that “this is not what I signed-up for, I met you looking like “A” now u look like “B”, and I’m no longer attracted to you ,things need to change” . More than anything the couple needs to communicate and see a way forward , whether it be adopting a healthier diet together ,jogging etc.

  3. Obesity is a huge problem in relationships and if the couple doesn't get the necessary help, obesity can be abusive, emotonally draining and start denting the couple's confidence to do anything they put they mind too. Obesity is battle field of the mind, and if you think you don't need help then you good as dead.

    But apparently obese people, it's rare u find them in relationships unless they going through the same situation/trials and tribulations.

    1. It’s a sad reality that most obese people may have fewer social or romantic relationships: if they do find themselves in a relationship, they tend to have a low self-esteem and depression this in turn can lead to emotional abuse from their partners and yes I agree with you, it can be very draining. The situation needs to be addressed as soon as possible and dealt accordingly.

  4. Yeah, yeah , yeah i hear that, but if a brother really loves his woman he won't leave her as he values and honours her existance in his life.For example the incert on e-tv, 3rd Degree, who could'nt walk for a number of years and neede and opperation. Her husband never left her wife because of the wife's significance in her life.A man who leaves his woman because of such reasons is an incncsiderate idiot, YES I SAID IT, because we cant act as if none of us does'nt know we do not have a family member who is obese!In case they have'nt realised it by now, we are in Africa...If a woman is in a relationship with a man who wants to leave because of such reasons, let that IDIOT go he is not worth the dehydration process you experience.MokD

    1. Fair enough, every relationship differs, what I’m saying is that “weight/obesity” tends to play a role, whether it being negative or positive. The couple you’re referring to decided to take the matter at hand and address the problem, working together, this helped them build a solid relationship and bring them closer .The sad reality is that with most couples this is not the case, and social perceptions may be one of the reasons for such behaviour.

  5. communication plays a role in relationships it doesn't matter what your body size is although i have to agree that some obese people have a low self esteem & takes it out on junk food.

    1. I don’t dispute that communication plays a role, but so does obesity, research shows that it does, please refer to the hyperlinks on the article to get more insight on the matter.
